Friday, April 3, 2020

Organic Chemistry at Brooklyn College

Organic Chemistry at Brooklyn CollegeBrooklyn College organic chemistry department offers courses for students of all majors. The department offers numerous courses such as Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Natural Sciences, etc. Students who want to pursue a career in scientific research should check out this career option. Many universities offer organic chemistry programs like Bard College, Columbia University, New York University, and so on.In organic chemistry, students will study techniques of synthesis and study the properties of organic molecules. Different types of organic compounds are synthesized by various processes. These types include hormones, antibiotics, nucleic acids, hormones, anti-toxins, antioxidants, and biocides, among others.Students interested in the field of chemical engineering may take courses in the department for academic journals, chemical analysis, analytic chemistry, and analytic al methods. The Department is also associated with several other disciplines, which includes electrical engineering, biotechnology, environmental science, and so on. There are numerous facilities provided by the department, which include laboratories, lecture halls, and training centers.The students can set up their own labs, as long as they have appropriate tools and materials. Some students can even get support from the online courses offered by the department.The syllabus of the organic chemistry course includes topics such as non-covalent compounds, ethers, ionization, alkali metals, electrolysis, light absorption, photo-chemical reactions, acid-base and solid-liquid equilibrium, adsorption, reactions, and a number of others. Students who want to pursue a career in chemical engineering may check out these opportunities.Organic chemistry has its counterpart in chemical engineering. Students interested in that option may enroll in the same program offered by the BrooklynCollege or ganic chemistry department. Some of the important topics include catalytic reactions, electrochemistry, chemical engineering, titration, and other.Prospective students can check out the websites of the department and search for the best schools that offer courses in the same area. It is advisable to do your research, as well as talk to your parents or family members who have enrolled in the same program. Don't miss out on a very promising career!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Better and faster essay submissions with Online Tutoring

Better and faster essay submissions with Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare Internet capabilities have given students the opportunity to make the task of studying easier through online tutoring.   Anybody from anywhere can avail of online tutoring as it has now geographical boundaries.   Students can benefit by beating the competition and getting excellent grades in school. Learning can be enjoyable  Writing essays and papers can be a boring task.   The online tutors use innovative methods like games, puzzles, quizzes, memory games, etc to hone the learning skills of a student and also to impart knowledge.   As learning becomes fun, the student is more receptive to instruction and more involved in the assignments.   In this way essay and paper writing can be a pleasure. The deadline can be met very easily Every assignment, including school essays and papers has a deadline.   They have to be submitted within a certain time frame so that they can be checked in time.   For example, to induce a student to prepare an essay, the online tutor may use story writing, riddles, word games, etc.   The answers of the students will form the framework of the essay.   If its math, the online tutor will make it fun with games and puzzles that would complete the assignment in time.   Physics is taught through multimedia to complete the papers. Each online tutoring session is a one-on-one experience and the student benefits from the personal attention that is offered.   A student will not consider homework a drudge with online tutoring. [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Michigan State University

What is it Like to Attend Michigan State University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Marci is a Phoenix tutor specializing in Algebra tutoring, Calculus tutoring, and Chemistry tutoring. She graduated from Michigan State University in 2010 with a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry Molecular Biology. Check out her review of her alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Marci: Michigan State University in East Lansing is a large, nature-filled campus at the heart of a college town. I always felt safe at MSU and it was easy to walk or take the bus to restaurants and cafes in town, or in the capital city of Lansing. The bus system at MSU is rated one of the best in the country, so you definitely dont need a car. Some people prefer biking because the campus is so large, and there is even a bike shop on campus. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Marci: It was so easy for me to make appointments with professors, even if I wasnt taking their class. This is what led me to decide to apply to graduate school, because professors from all different fields, from Environmental Sociology to Agricultural Economics, were so open to helping me on my projects and career decisions. I was in the Honors College as well as Lyman Briggs College so I had several advisors to choose from, and they were all very helpful. During my undergraduate, I wish I had contacted teaching assistants more. Now that I am a teaching assistant at Arizona State University, I realize how helpful they can be for students to talk to. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Marci: I lived in the Lyman Briggs College dorm for three years and I absolutely loved it. Some of my best friends are from that same floor, and we would always go to the cafeteria together, or on weekends go to a nearby restaurant or see a free movie on campus. There were always vegetarian options at the cafeterias, and it was easy to grab a meal in between classes or lab wherever you were on campus. Even though MSU is a big campus with a lot of students, I always ran into someone that I knew in the cafeteria! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Marci: MSU is a research university as well as a land grant college, so all majors are well supported but Science and Math are especially good programs. I was in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program, which is one of the most rigorous majors, and something that really helped me was getting good foundation of chemistry, biology, and physics through the Lyman Briggs College. I also worked in labs and as a teaching assistant and I learned a lot about biochemistry through those extracurricular activities. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Marci: It was extremely easy for me to make friends at MSU. My younger sister is there now, and shes having a similar experience of meeting lots of friendly people. Because Lyman Briggs College is a residential learning experience, I was in the same dorm as other students in my labs and classes so we became friends by studying together. Greek life has a big role at MSU but I was never involved. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Marci: I never interacted with MSUs Career Center, but I wish I had! VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Marci: MSU has a lot of places to study on campus and I utilized them often. In my dorm, we had common areas and a cafe that were good for working on group projects or in a more casual setting. There were also places in my dorm and on campus that were designated for silent study. The library at MSU is huge! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Marci: East Lansing is mostly a college town, so it has a lot of restaurants and shops that are geared toward college students. I really enjoyed biking around town, or out into the surrounding area which is mostly farmland. I had a group of friends and campus staff who would bike to a local pizza place in Lansing every Friday. Lansing also had a fun event in the summer called Be a Tourist in Your Own Town, where you got entry to museums and cool places all over town for only $1. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Marci: MSU had about 40,000 undergraduates when I attended, and now has almost 50,000. Many of my class sizes were large lectures, which is the norm for science and math classes. But notable exceptions were small Honors classes, upper-level history, philosophy, and sociology of science classes through Lyman Briggs College, and small labs and recitation groups. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Marci: Several of my friends were in a program at MSU called, Science, Technology, Environment and Public Policy (STEPPS) that they kept trying to get me to join. I finally decided to join since I had already taken most of the classes, and my senior year at MSU, I found the group of students and professors in STEPPS who really got what I wanted to do. Again, at the suggestion of my friends, I took my senior seminar class with Dr. Mark Largent, the director of STEPPS. Dr. Largent helped steer me toward the graduate program I now attend, and he has been a continued positive influence on my career. Check out Marcis tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Ways You Can Identify if Youre Ready to Lead or Not - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Ways You Can Identify if You’re Ready to Lead or Not - Introvert Whisperer 4 Ways You Can Identify if You’re Ready to Lead or Not People will notice when you are ready to be a leader, and they will likely tell you so accordingly. Nevertheless, it is also important that you know how to self-assess, too, and determine if you are, indeed, ready to lead or not. So, here are 4 ways that will help you do just that: 1. You know you aren’t perfect, and you’re fine with that. People who think they’re perfect are not ready to lead according to Forbes, because they often lack the flexibility to adjust when things start going wrong or when their best laid-out plans begin failing. If you can accept the idea that perfectionism is more fiction than fact, and are comfortable in the knowledge that you don’t know all the answers, then this is a step in the right direction toward becoming a good, effective leader. This means you are open and willing to learn to get better in your role. It also means you will be flexible enough to change your leadership style when necessary, which  we pointed out before in ‘How to Match Your Leadership Style With Who You Are’  is something that a leader must know how to do. 2. You know what makes you unique.   Different people can bring different things to the table, but the question is, are you familiar with what you can offer to your team and the company?  As we stated previously in ‘Do You Recognize Your Greatness?’  you have “to ‘get it’ about you first before anyone else can.” In other words, you need to discover and appreciate your own greatness first before others do. 3. You’re ready to take blame.   Good leaders can take full responsibility for everything, not only of their own faults and shortcomings but also the failures of others. It is one thing to take heat when you mess up, largely because all the blame is on you, it is another to accept accountability for the actions of your subordinates, especially if said actions lead to failures. If you are ready to accept the responsibility of running a team then you just might be ready to lead. 4. You are decisive.   AudienceBloom CEO Jayson DeMers notes that leaders  need to make decisions “on a near-constant” basis, sometimes with very little information available. If you can make decisions on the fly while under pressure and live with them whatever the results are later on, then you are suited for a leadership role. As mentioned earlier, other people will likely assign to you a leadership role if they see that you are ready for it. When that time comes, you will likely be asked first, “What makes you a strong leader?” Your answer to this question will most likely be the deal breaker, the one that will either get you that leadership role or not.  Menlo Coaching recommends that you make an account of your contributions  to every team you have ever been part of, particularly in terms of problem-solving, crisis management, and mentoring. These three, as you may have noticed, are integral aspects of leadership, and your role in each one will speak volumes on the kind of leader you will be once you have your chance. So, do you think youre ready to lead? Author Bio: Alex Cassidy Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

An Introduction To Different Drawing Techniques

An Introduction To Different Drawing Techniques Types of Drawing: Bringing Art to Life ChaptersUsing Graphite Pencils, Crayons And Colouring PencilsExperimenting With Dry Art MediumsCreating Colour With Chalks, Conte And PastelsPlaying Around With Pen On PaperDrawing is classed as a form of art which involves the artist making marks on a surface such as paper or card.While visual arts are now easily transformed into digital form using apps and software, the beauty of the visual arts for many is experiencing that connection between tool/medium and material. It is for this reason that the art of drawing lives on.That said, advanced tech can almost replicate that feeling of drawing or painting, with laptops now featuring digital notepads and apps responding to the touch of paintbrushes specifically designed for use on screens.If you are invested in drawing for a living, then the impact of technology on art might actually be an amazing breakthrough for you. However, you may feel that it is an invasion on the world of art. Furthermore, digital art could be a useful tool to help  beginners to figure out their drawing style and preferred medium(s), by looking at their on-screen appearance.But can an artist advocate the use of digital media? The answer is yes! Any artist, whether a hobbyist or a professional, should have a wealth of experience in a range of different mediums, but, mostly their chosen field.This means that if you have  learnt to draw on computers and you are good at it, then that is your medium so you should stick to it. Just because you use a different tool does not mean you are any less of an artist.In the past, illustrators were loyal to a particular style or technique. Many book illustrators, for example, would generally work with solely  pencils, pastels, chalks or charcoal. However, as times and trends have evolved, artists have become more confident and brave and are often using mixed mediums to create their works of art.While it is possible to manipulate most tools and techniques in a variety of ways to create unique styles, the c ombination of different mediums allows even more scope to create noteworthy results, mixing texture, colour and even  scale.Using just one simple medium, you can create light and shadows and create something quite beautiful. Photo credit: Arturo Espinosa on VisualhuntFurthermore, crayons are a popular choice for  illustrators of children’s books, along with oil pastels, due to the soft appearance of their application.Designers and architects also consider wax crayons as their friends as they are so easy to use and add a touch of colour and texture to any sketch or design.Graphite pencils, meanwhile, come in a range of colours but are more often than not used simply for their thick and fast application. As with normal pencils, graphite pencils also come in a range of sizes to suit all scales of work and people’s preferences.The main draw of graphite pencils is the smoothness they offer and the ability to easily create 3D objects using gradient, or light and shade.Sketching using graphite pencils offers a great deal of  flexibility and it is a particularly good choice for those doing rough, timed sketches (like life drawing, for example).Why Learn To Draw With Pencils Or Charcoal?Above all, one of the biggest plus to using tools such as crayons and pencils is the low cost.Most grocery stores will stock a range of art supplies, with colouring pencils and crayons included. Some of the larger superstores may even offer graphite pencils as well as a larger selection of paints and pastels.In addition, the nature of these materials means that they can be used on equally inexpensive surfaces like ordinary white paper (again, most shops will stock packs of printing paper that are perfectly suitable for a lot of these mediums). This means that there is no need to go out and buy special textured paper or card, and can therefore keep your costs down. This is particularly useful if you are already paying for a drawing tutor or are taking part in drawing classes.With bot h accessibility and cost at a low, these are the perfect mediums for beginners or for those turning to art as simply a pastime or hobby.Experimenting With Dry Art MediumsCharcoal is a dry art technique  often made from natural or organic resources like wood. Just like graphite, charcoal can be used on a smooth surface however for best results, charcoal should be applied onto textured paper.Charcoal offers a beautifully textured appearance so is best used by fine artists rather than designers working with smooth and precise lines. However, architects have been known to use the material at times to plan or to bring their drawings to life, as charcoal creates broken strokes which can represent a sense of movement.Charcoal is a great medium for life drawing as it is one that is often used to create quick sketches. Photo credit: Frédéric Glorieux on VisualHunt.comCanson Mi-Teintes, Canson Ingres, Strathmore 500 Series and Fabriano Tiziano are popular choices of artists’ charcoal, whi le other good pencil forms are Faber-Castell Pitt, Grumbacher, Winsor Newton, Derwent and Coates.What Is Charcoal Best Used For?Again, just like graphite pencils (which offer a similar final appearance), charcoal sticks are great when drawing large and fast pictures.Many artists taking part in life drawing classes choose to use this as a medium as they can use the powdery, textured finish to reproduce the appearance of curves, shape and subtle movements. As an organic material, charcoal is particularly well suited to creating images portraying nature.One thing to remember is that, as its name suggests, charcoal is a simple and monotone material. Yet, it can still be used to produce some fantastic pieces of work. Impressive drawings have been created by artists all over the world displaying landscapes and portraits in both traditional and contemporary styles.If you want to see just how far the medium can be manipulated, search for '3D charcoal drawings' in your Internet toolbar to f ind clever images that jump out at you.You wouldn’t have believed it possible to create such life-like drawings with just your hand and a piece of charcoal!Did you know that you can use cotton buds or the tip of your finger to smudge/blend charcoal after application? Be sure if you use your fingers to wash them after so as not to leave black fingerprints all over your artwork!Creating Colour With Chalks, Conte And PastelsChalks and oil pastels are the perfect mediums for creating colourful yet soft illustrations, with the first offering the paler outcome of the two.You may be used to the idea of using chalk on a blackboard, but such materials are really inconvenient for artists as they only offer a temporary surface. Instead, try applying chalks to coloured paper adapted for chalks or pastels (or any paper with a slightly textured surface).The beauty of chalk is that you can either apply the technique straight onto the paper or you can scrape some of the pigment onto a piece of sc rap paper and use the powdery substance as a new tool, with each offering very different finishes.Chalks often come in a slim format but jumbo chalks are also available and are sometimes better for artists as they aren’t as prone to breaking.Oil pastels can be blended to create beautiful colour combinations. Photo credit: SWARM GALLERY OAKLAND on Visualhunt.comConte crayons have been used by some of the worlds most renowned artists like Picasso, Degas and Delacroix, which shows how long they have been used in art.The colourful tool is made up of a blend of clay, graphite and natural pigment which means that it responds in a similar way to a graphite pencil but with stronger colour.Being thinner and harder than other pastels, they are well-suited to works requiring more precision, like detailed sketches.Oil pastels are the primary choice of medium for children’s picture book illustrator Lynne Chapman, who creates truly stunning images designed for young readers. Not only are her pieces high in energy, they are also of a supreme quality and are explosive in colour.Oil pastels allow the artist a great deal of flexibility thanks to their oily substance which never fully dries (unless locked in place with spray).  This means that the medium remains soft and therefore workable even after application.Oil pastels can be used a drawing material but can also be used to paint with, with either method enabling you to build up beautiful, creamy layers of blended colour.Playing Around With Pen On PaperLast but not least, biro sketches are a fantastic way of learning to draw.Many don't know that Fearne Cotton is a very talented artist as well as TV presenter and DJ, and she illustrated her recent book releases with various biro sketches. Her images, alone, can provide enough inspiration and reveal  how easy it can be to create your ideas  just by putting pen to paper.Even using something as simple as a biro can create a work of art. Photo credit: joncandy on Visual huntB y using pens in art, you are essentially using a medium that was designed to be written with, thus substituting the written word for a visual representation instead.Unlike charcoal, pastels and graphite pencils though, pens have narrow nibs and don’t always flow as easily so you may need to adjust your drawing style to suit.For instance, if you are using a marker pen or felt tip pen, you'll want to focus on the pressure you apply to create consistent or inconsistent lines and be careful not to allow ink to bleed on the paper from overuse.Why not take drawing lessons with a private tutor?drawing courses Londondrawing courses Glasgowonline drawing lessonscheck out drawing lessons for kidsdiscover drawing lessons for beginners

The Most Iconic Drumming Films

The Most Iconic Drumming Films The Best Films for Drum Enthusiasts ChaptersDrumming Movie 1: BirdmanFilms about Drummers: Wayne’s WorldFilms about Drumming: The Man with the Golden ArmFictional Drum Movie: Spinal TapOld School Drummer Film: The Gene Krupa StoryTop Drum Movie: WhiplashClassic Drum Film: A Damsel in DistressDrummer Movie Definitions'When someone is playing the drums, they aren't actually moving around a space; they're just moving their arms and limbs. They're stuck behind the drum set. So to film someone playing the drums and make it feel as kinetic as a car chase or a shootout or a battle scene was the challenge.'  -  Damien ChazelleDid you know that the most common drum beat is actually used in a number of classic hit songs?Believe it or not, Billie Jean, Eye of the Tiger, Stayin’ Alive, September and even Baby One More Time and Rolling in the Deep, all actually have the same kind of drum beats.If you are familiar with popular music then you have probably already heard the hit songs mentioned above and can bring those memorable drumbeats that flow throughout the songs to mind without batting an eyelid.But can you also think of any films where drumming  plays a significant role?No?From action films, thrillers, comedy dramas to docu-dramas and foreign films - drums are actually a crucial part of almost any film soundtrack. Music is an integral part of cinema and most films have trailers that are punctuated by a piece of music with drumming. Tarantino, Hitchcock, Almodovar - all the films are so great because of their soundtracks which are so fitting and recognisable.But films which place musical instruments at the forefront of the action, focussing on the actual instruments themselves are a lot less common.This is especially true of the drums, which are such an important part of film soundtracks, but usually remain in their discrete role as guardians of rhythm rather than the cinematic focus of the film.Whether you realise it or not - percussion instruments are central to the film! (Source: Wikimedia Commons )Birdman  was nominated for and eventually won the Oscar for  Best Picture and it is fair to say that this is some way thanks to the rhythm section of its soundtrack and the magic of drumming. It is a  film defined by its original soundtrack.Even though the film may not have anything to do with drumming in terms of plot, it is the musical instruments that help insight intrigue and all the plot to develop.The desperate turmoil of Michael Keaton is moved forward by the drumsticks of Antonio Sanchez, who is in sole control of the soundtrack.Still living the role that made him so famous, the main character of the film wants to create a new Broadway adaptation.The drum kit, although invisible, is clearly central to the film, which would not have been such a success without the jingle of the cymbals, the rhythmic beats of the bass drum and the climactic musical surges of the snare drum.Films about Drummers: Wayne’s WorldDirector:  Penelope SpheerisRelease Date:  1992Genre:  ComedyMany A ctors:  Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob LoweSynopsis :Stash away your brain for Wayne's World, which is a film characterized by humour of the absurd, somewhat in the same vein as  Dumb Dumber. But did you know this about humour:'There is a lot of rubbish written about toilet humour - people saying it is childish and pretending it is beneath them - but there is no doubting the effectiveness of a really good ...gag.' - Adrian EdmondsonGarth et Wayne air their own show in the suburbs of Chicago. A local TV producer stumbles upon their show and hires them.At the same time, Wayne falls for Cassandra, a bass guitarist of a hard rock band. However, a love triangle soon emerges and he is forced to fight for his love.The drum kit is used as a tool to express Garth's feelings, Garth being the shyer one of the duo. He is transported on stage by the magic of cinema and the soundtrack.Far from being a really great film and a classic American blockbuster, this is a lighthearted movie, purely for en tertainment, but it is its drumming soundtrack that has managed to guarantee viewers' respect  even though drum music is not in the foreground of the film.A piece of rock or jazz music is essential for every film!Films about Drumming: The Man with the Golden ArmDirector:  Otto PremingerRelease Date:  1955Genre:  DrameMain Actors:  Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak, Eleanor Parker, Darren McGavinSynopsis :Based on the book by the same name, The Man with the Golden Arm is most well-known for its signature tune written by Saul Bass and its soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein. This film was pioneering in the way that it made use of  jazz music and jazz drumming in cinema.Frankie Machine, played by Frank Sinatra, returns to Chicago after coming back from rehab. In order to not be haunted by his old demons and put himself on the straight and narrow, he begins to play jazz on the drums.Unfortunately, his new life is short-lived as soon enough, he arrives at an audition completely drugged up.The scene of his failed performance is truly legendary; never before has the young drummer's inner torment and chaos appeared so acute to viewers before. The wrong notes, the arrhythmia  combined together with the drummer's clumsiness lead us into the inner depths and shadows of his mind.It is the jazz drummer, Shelly Manne who plays Sinatra's double in the film.For those of you who are interested, this is the very first Hollywood film to openly address the issue of drugs and the effects they cause. SerbanDrum Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyDrum Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RussellDrum Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamesDrum Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StephenDrum Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeteDrum Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OllieDrum Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discov er all our tutors AlexDrum Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFictional Drum Movie: Spinal TapSpinal Tap is a faux documentary for drumming and rock fanatics that has been made so well it seems almost real! (Source: Flickr)Director:  Rob ReinerRelease Date:  1984Genre:  Musical Comedy / Parody DocumentaryMain Actors:  Rob Reiner, Michael McKean, Christopher GuestSynopsis:This is Spinal Tap  is a kind of pseudo-rock 'n' roll documentary about a fictitious heavy metal band.The group appear on their (fake) tour of 1982 kitted out in full rock 'n' roll attire.The obsession with technique,  cultural pretentiousness, inflated egos, evil temptations, astrology - all the usual clichés are there but the events are somehow still plausible all the same!Everything is done in seriousness, which ultimately makes the facts seem hardly exaggerated at all. Each scene is so amusing and funny because it seems so real and as if we have already seen something similar 10 time s before!For example, one of the drummers belonging to  Spinal Tap describes a mishap he once experienced - during a show once, in the heat of the moment he climbed on his drum kit which duly collapsed beneath him! The anecdote perfectly encapsulates the overkill and the yearning for drama that is so often present in the rock industry (particularly among rock musicians and rock stars), which is often to the detriment of the music quality.Old School Drummer Film: The Gene Krupa StoryDirector:  Don WeisRelease Date:  1959Genre:  Drame / ComedyMain Actors:  Sal Mineo, Yvonne Craig, James Darren, Susan KohnerSynopsis:The great jazz drummer,  Gene Krupa, really needs no further introduction! Watching a drum film is akin to plunging into Gene Krupa's life thanks to this biopic.This film has it all - a mixture of comedy, romance and drama. This drummer movie tells the tale of the life of Gene Krupa, which is one defined by a desire to both achieve success and have a spliff!In spite of his undeniable talent, Gene Krupa's father did not want his son to play the drums. However, as we all know, Gene Krupa continued to play the drums all the same and through doing so, met his future wife after being introduced at a bar.However, after the death of his father, he decided to follow the path that his father had set out for him and threw himself into the study of theology. However, his passion for music would soon catch up with him.Gene Krupa truly is part of drumming history!Caught in the crossfire between his studies at the church and his desire to become a drummer, his counsellor asks him to choose a career path according to his own wishes rather than those of his late father.Eventually, as his drumming career progress, he gains more and more success but also begins to succumb to the negative effects of fame at the same time. His alcoholism and infidelities lead to the destruction of his marriage.Yet despite his faults and the tribulations in his life, the film still ends o n a positive note, especially as we know that in real life in remarries his wife some years after the events that occur in the movie took place.Top Drum Movie: WhiplashDirector:  Damien ChazelleRelease Date:  2014Genre:  DrameMain Actors:  J.K Simmons, Miles Teller, Melissa Benoist, Paul ReiserSynopsis:If there ever was a film dedicated to drumming, then it was this Whiplash!As intense as an all encapsulating drum solo, this drummer movie is a true cinematic gem. Intense drumming lessons are the focal point of the film, which hones in on the toxic relationship between a young drummer and his drumming instructor who is both cruel and unyielding.Hoping to be the new Buddy Rich, the drumming student is forced to endure humiliations, psychological manipulations and even physical violence (having cymbals thrown at him) at the hands of his drum teacher and supposed educator.Whatever your musical dreams are, whether you aspire to be a rock musician, a modern drummer, jazz drummer or jazz f estival performer, a composer, part of a big band or orchestra or simply one of the best drummers or jazz artists there are - seeing this young drummer practising melodic drum solos and his torturous drum lessons will probably be enough to put you off music for life!A true drummer will probably also wince at some of the errors in this movie (cymbals being heard one a drummer hits the snare drum, bad drumming footage, etc.).The abusive teacher and psychological violence of this film is at odds with the world of drumming that is usually seen as so relaxed.Some scenes show the aspiring drummer pushed to the extreme and are quite hard to watch - notably when he is shown bleeding as a result of his excessive training.In reality, the chance of that actually happening is almost next to none.Sure, you may get blisters. But only up to a point, after which the skin on your hand would simply adjust and become much rougher and harder.Is Whiplash a horror movie? For the young drummer whom the mo vie centres around it certainly is! (Source: Flickr)Classic Drum Film: A Damsel in DistressDirector:  George StevensRelease Date:  1938Genre:  Romantic ComedyMain Actors:  Fred Astaire, Joan Fontaine, George Burns, Gracie AllenThe film is a love story intertwined with the rhythm and beat of dance. (Source: Wikimedia)Synopsis :Fred Astaire shoots his first ever film without Ginger Rogers, his eternal sidekick, as the duo begin to tire of appearing together in public. Unfortunately, his new partner in this drum film does not quite have the talent of Ginger Rogers or Rita Hayworth and Fred Astair must go the tap dancing sequences alone!The movie is a romance in which Fred Astaire's and Joan Fontaine's characters find themselves falling in love with one another despite the obstacles put in their way by the hotel director and the aunt of Joan Fontaine's character.Fred Astaire uses drumsticks, followed by tap shoes, for an amazing choreographic display.Although it appears on occasion and has an undeniable presence, drumming takes rather a backseat in the film and does not constitute the main part of the performance.This movie would probably be better described as Fred Astaire's answer to La La Land!Drummer Movie DefinitionsWhat is an Accent in Music?It is a musical note struck noticeably harder and stronger than others, to emphasise a certain moment.What are Sweepers?Sweepers can replace drumsticks at certain times and are made of metallic strands or  fine nylon afixed to the end of a plastic handle - a bit like a mini broomstick for drummers! They are used a lot in jazz and to soften the sound of the drum.If you or your child want to be like the drummers you see on television or at concerts, why not consider online drum lessons  (including drum lessons for kids) as an option?

Summer Vocabulary - English Collocations and Idioms

Summer Vocabulary - English Collocations and Idioms Are  you getting excited about summer? Even though we in the UK are getting far too many grey days during the summer, we are still very excited when it finally arrives. Lets get ready for summer and explore some English summer vocabulary.In this post I also want to focus on popular   summer idioms that you can use in your daily English conversations. And you will find them below the infographics. Summer Vocabulary - Useful Collocations Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world: KEEP OUT OF THE SUNExample: Be careful when youre on holiday. Apply lots of sun cream, keep hydrated and keep out of the midday sun if you can.SIT IN THE SUNExample: I cant sit in the sun for very long with my fair skin.THE SUN IS IN YOUR EYESExample: The sun is in my eyes, I cant see a thing.SHIELD YOUR EYES FROM THE SUNExample: I wear a wide hat to shield my eyes from the sun.A DROP OF RAINExample: Their simple wedding ceremony   couldnt have been more perfect, and there wasnt a drop of rain that day. English Collocations about Summer GLORIOUS WEATHERExample: Yesterdays match was played in glorious weather with plenty of warm sunshine.  THE BEST OF THE WEATHERExample: It got clearer as I went North, so we must have got the best of the weather.  FEEL THE HEATExample: I could feel the heat of the sun on my back as I cycled through the park.ESCAPE FROM THE HEATExample: In summer, many people leave the city for the seaside to escape from the heat.DIVE INTO WATERExample: He dove into the water and started swimming.   10 English Idioms related to Summer THE CALM BEFORE THE STORMa quiet period before an expected hectic activity or a period of troubleExample: It was like the calm before the storm, as I knew difficult times were to come.  AN INDIAN SUMMERa period of warm, dry weather in the late autumnExample: Although the Indian summer is expected to bring us summer-like temperatures during September, we are now into the autumn season.DOG DAYS OF SUMMERvery hot summer daysExample: The dogs days of summer are over and the kids have gone back to school!FULL OF HOT AIRif someone is full of hot air, they are full of nonsense, they talk a lot without saying anything worthwhileExample: I did not believe a word she said. She was full of hot air.  UNDER THE SUNeverything or anywhere in the worldExample: Londons Oxford street has every shop under the sun, it is always at its busiest on a Thursday.A PLACE IN THE SUNa position which provides you with wealth and happiness, or whatever you have been hoping to achieve in lifeExample: He was one of those people who was always looking for  his place in the sun.ONE SWALLOW DOESNT MAKE A SUMMERone fact or event doesnt prove the rule, it may be an exceptionExample: Their first album was a success, but they know that one swallow doesnt make a summer and theyre prepared to work hard.A COLD DAY IN JULYsomething that will never happenExample: Itll be a cold day in July before I buy you a new car.TO BE IN HOT WATERto be in a lot of troubleExample: The Minister was in hot water last week after admitting he lied about attending a controversial meeting.TO MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINESto not waste time, to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it arisesExample: Our competitors will catch on to our strategy soon, so lets make hay while the sun shines. 10 English Summer Idioms Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world: Summer Vocabulary SIESTAnot really an English word but used frequently. Particularly relevant in the summer when a quick “nap” or “forty winks” in the afternoon is just what you need to be ready for a long summer evening.Nap and forty winks refer to a quick sleep or rest.A QUICK DIPIf you are feeling a little hot and need to refresh a swim is often a good idea. A quick dip refers to a jump into a pool, river or sea to refresh yourself.TOP UP THE TANEveryone likes to look good and when the sun shines we can get that “good feeling” with a sun tan. People like to catch the sun rays on a regular basis over the summer to keep the tan looking well naturally.Twenty minutes in the sun a few times a week may just be enough to top up that tan!A NINETY NINE (a 99)Ice cream is a great way of cooling down when the sun gets a little too hot. Kids and adults all love the flavours. An old favourite and still available from all the ice cream stalls in UK cities is the 99. It’s a cone with ice cream a cho colate flake stuck into the ice cream and usually some strawberry syrup added. If you haven’t tried it you haven’t lived!!A BUTLINS HOLIDAYBefore flying to the sun became popular and within easy reach of the ordinary man, workers spent their two week summer vacation (usually the first two weeks in August) in a holiday camp organised and run by a company called Butlins. They still operate summer holiday camps in the UK today. They provide accommodation (chalets or small apartments) and entertainment for all the family. A good old British tradition still going strong today.THE BUCKET AND SPADENo holiday for the kids was complete without their traditional bucket and spade. These simple tools keep children of all ages occupied for hours on the beaches in any type of weather. Building sand castles and other impressive constructions with the help of Dad (or Mum) of course is a great diversion for all the family.What is summer holiday like in your country? Summer Vocabulary Songs There are many wonderful songs with beautiful lyrics describing that summer feeling when we throw off the winter/spring clothes and get ready for the warm lazy summer days.Summertime and the living is easyFish are jumpingAnd the cotton is highThese are the opening lyrics of an old song from an opera called “Summertime” based in the deep southern states of America.OrHere comes summerSchool is out, oh happy dayHere comes summerIm gonna grab my girl and run awayHere comes summer“Here comes summer” song is a little more upbeat and goes back to 1959!!! Whatever the year we all look forward to those long hot summer days and endless nights. Here are some words and phrases for your English summer vocabulary that you might just find useful.